Hi community, at our digital accessibility presentation to the NSW ICT Center of Excellence today, we had a question on good training places for InDesign. We would love to crowdsource some ideas.
Here are some resources that may be useful:
Creating accessible PDFs from InDesign: Creating accessible PDFs
Accessible PDF with Adobe InDesign (PDF, 1.4 MB): https://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/products/indesign/pdfs/creating-accessible-pdf-documentw-with-adobe-indesign-cs6-v3.pdf
We cannot endorse specific training providers, but a search term like “Accessible InDesign to PDF training” may provide you some results like videos, training providers and other resources for you to check out.
Also check out the following related posts:
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Yes, looking for training for accessibility too using InDesign in Sydney - any ideas?
Thank you