Hi Everyone
My name is Jessica Lee. I am aspiring to be a UXUI designer.
I made a Dashboard by myself using Figma (Web, dashboard, mobile formats) using NSW Respiratory surveillance - COVID-19 and influenza data. How was my design?
What I noticed was the information in PDF on the NSW Health website was hard to interpret, and I thought a dashboard would be a good way to show this data (for both medical staff and the general public as well)
I am currently working in the Pharmacy industry and this is of interest to me.
The link to the data that I used is below:
I was hoping to get some feedback, as I think this would be the best way for me to get feedback on this design.
I have two specific questions:
Mobile (Sewage Surveillance) - The data is a bit too tiny to read. What is the best way to show this data? What about a ‘pretending to swipe’ gesture?
Mobile (Table chart) - What is the best way to show the web version of the Table chart on mobile? When I searched google, it was difficult for me to find how to show a table on mobile.
Thank you for helping me and I look forward to hearing back from you.
If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.
Jessica Lee