Who to contact to add Plone 6 NSW design system toolkit as a service?

Purpose and functionality:

A new starter-kit compatible with the design system v3 using the Plone 6 CMS with its new component based editor Volto. This is the quickest editing experience allowing the use of all the design system components in flexible page layouts.

Demo: https://digitalnsw.pretagov.com.au/ (links to github repo with install instructions)

Use case:

Public websites, intranets, extranets. Can be easily customised to make complex services using React and Python if needed, or it’s a ready to go CMS with an easy to use editing UI.

High level architecture:

The Plone 6 NSW design system toolkit comes with build instructions to get up and going locally to get you started quickly. Docker instructions are included. Plone is a community led open source project with full documentation or hundreds of suppliers to host or give assistance if needed.

Known equivalents:

An enterprise open source CMS somewhat similar to Drupal or Squiz and comes with everything built-in including Workflow, fine grained permissions, full text search and a form builder.

The advantages of using this solution over others:

Plone is one of the most secure CMS’s available see Security — Plone: Enterprise Level CMS - Free and OpenSource - Community Driven - Secure. Security is one of the reasons the FBI chose it as their primary site CMS, and many government departments across the world including NSW, do the same.

Plone 6 now has one of the most modern rendering and editing experiences of any open source CMS. Rebuilt from the ground up using react, Plone 6 redefines component based editing. Videos are available on the demo page

Sorry, I used the wrong word. I meant solution not service. How to get it added to the solution marketplace next to Squiz, SalesForce and Drupal kits? ie on Solutions | Digital.NSW
@amy.howard @Cath is there a more formal submission process and timeline for inclusion?
The first NSW gov site using this kit will be going live soon if that helps?