The theming documentation is great for being clear on how the colour palette can and can’t be used for the various classification levels. However, the last paragraph on that page introduces some ambiguity:
As core styles and components inherit colours from the base colour theme, changing a brand colour will automatically filter down to all instances where that colour is used. Alternatively, colour instances can be updated on an individual basis as required. Where possible, it is indicated in the guidance on the Components page.
Does this mean that the colours used can be customised on a per-page basis? Do we need to stick to the chosen “two colour sets” for these individual customisations, or can any colour be chosen as long as it meets WCAG 2.1/ 2.2 standards?
Taking the Card component as an example. The demo for this component suggests that we can either use “White”, “Brand light” or “Brand Dark” for the card colouring. Can a masterbrand site use any of these three options? I assume an independent site can. But could an independent site use their chosen “supplementary” colour for the cards? Or how about another colour from the palette all together?