Find out how to set up good governance

Hi all,

We’ve been working closely with the governance, risk and assurance experts in government to find out how teams can set up good governance for their project.

I’m pleased to inform you that we now have new minimum requirements for governance in the NSW Design Standards.

When you plan for good governance in your project you are setting up the processes and practices to:

  • align everyone with a common vision
  • make clear people’s roles and responsibilities
  • minimise risk
  • enable good decision making
  • build trust with your stakeholders and users
  • comply with any policy or legal obligations.

Let us know what you think, or what we can improve (either here or by email to

Thanks and enjoy your weekend!


Hi Natalie,
I’m a bit late seeing this (newbie ), but would like to see an example of this governance approach in practice (my agency has no suitable projects at present). Have you come across any projects using the model?

Hi @GregH ,

One of my team members (Hamish Stead) is working on a pilot program to support and improve how well teams apply the Design Standards in delivering projects funded by the Digital Restart Fund. There may be some insights gathered through this program around how the governance model operates in practice.

If you’re interested, i can link you up with Hamish to chat further. Drop me your email and i’ll be in contact. Thanks.


Hi Natalie
My apology for not replying, unfortunately I went off on long term sick leave at the start of May. I’m back now and OK, so will start again on this over the next couple of months.

Thanks for your feedback, it is appreciated.

I will make contact when I re-engage with our IT projects team.
