Looking for feedback on our first independent branded site

Hi All,
LECC have an independent exemption but wanted to still stick with to the DS as much as possible.

We’d love any feedback from those experienced with Independent implementations of the DS or any feedback in general.


Hi Dylan,

Thank you for posting this. It looks great - overall all brand requirements are in accordance with the rules and standards.

A couple of recommendations to help further align -

Use of form errors

For the form errors replace the popup with text under the field, see -

Add breadcrumbs

You can consider using a breadcrumb to improve site navigation, see -

Use of pictograms

Where used with the card component:

  • If you want to use pictograms as images, make sure that they are high resolution and don’t distort in any way.
  • Use the text version of the card component (without an image)

Alternatively, you can use the pictograms as SVGs inside of the content blocks instead -

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Thanks @andrei.vidaicu for the feedback. It was very useful.

We do use the DDS form errors but for some reason there is a bug with in this case where the standard browser error is being used instead. We will get that fixed.

This has now been added. Thanks

The CMS will let the editor upload an svg or a high res image (that will be automatically downscaled to the appropriate resolution). We’ve made the client aware of this and improved our documentation on Cards | NSW Digital Design System v3 Plone 6

However I was unsure of your example of content blocks. The Icon Block only seems to specify a left alignment. And the Image Block will expect a photo that can be cropped in different ways. None of the DS components seem to allow for a card with text centered. Is there a different way of using content blocks or cards that follows the example you posted?

Hi @djay, to center align using ‘Content Blocks - Icon block’ you will need to manually override the styling in the CSS. You can try something like this:

.nsw-content-block__icon {
margin: auto;

Hope that helps.

to center align using ‘Content Blocks - Icon block’ you will need to manually override the styling in the CSS. You can try something like this:

Thanks for this @andrei.vidaicu.
We use the CMS Plone 6 which is very good at enforcing design system standards and content governance in general. So users aren’t able to tweak the css themselves. We were also unsure how how much flexibility we had with offering additional options from what the DS examples.

For example, with icon blocks while it doesn’t explicitly say you can’t offer a centered or larger icon option on cards or content blocks, the examples and existing css didn’t offer it so we didn’t either.
It’s good to know we have more flexibility than we thought and will add more options accordingly.