Regional staff are invited to sign up to a training initiative to embed human-centred design across the public service.
Join a cross-government team learning and working to improve the way we design and deliver our services to our community.
We encourage all regional staff to sign up (or better sign up with your whole team)!
Available sessions commence 29 July, into early August. Places are limited.
Why learn HCD?
Human-Centred Design (HCD) is a problem-solving approach which can help us design and deliver better services to NSW citizens.
Now more than ever, our communities expectations are changing and we have a responsibility to continue to improve the way that we design and deliver services to them.
This means better understanding the needs of our regional customers and designing better, simpler ways of meeting them. HCD provides you with the tools and a methodology to do just that.
As a skill, HCD can provide you and your agency with a new way of navigating opportunities in a changing digital landscape and drive regional innovation.
The Department of Primary Industries’ GATE and the Public Service Commission have co-designed this program. It is being delivered jointly by UNE, The Exchange and Sydney School of Entrepreneurship.